News Busters

CNN Brought On Bill Nye and Michael Mann on to Tie Fossil Fuels to Hurricanes

Over the weekend, CNN provided segments to environmental activists Michael Mann and Bill Nye, allowing them to promote their liberal agenda against the use of fossil fuels.

On Saturday afternoon, fill-in host Alex Marquardt (currently embroiled in a defamation suit), interviewed Mann and set the stage for the University of Pennsylvania climate researcher to declare: “There is a profound impact that human-caused warming from burning fossil fuels and the production of carbon pollution. There is a major impact that is happening in terms of the damage and deadliness of these storms.”

After Marquardt followed up by asking if there is evidence of “steady growth” in storm frequency, Mann ignored long-standing evidence that hurricane activity changes cyclically as he further warned:

…when you look at the strongest storms — the sort of cat 4, cat 5 monster…

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