News Busters

CNN, MSNBC, Dems Ginned Up ‘Every Crazy Person in the World’

Media and Democrat lies that reelecting former President Donald Trump would bring about the end of the world are inciting violent, disturbed people to try to kill him, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says.

“Without question I blame CNN, MSNBC and all the other left-wing outlets,” Sen. Paul told Fox News this week after the latest attempt on the life of former President Trump. Sunday’s failed assassination is the second such attempt to kill the Republican presidential candidate in the last two months.

The false, apocalyptic warnings of the Left have successfully ginned up “every crazy person in the world,” Sen. Paul said:

“Without question I blame CNN, MSNBC and all the other left-wing outlets for promoting this idea that Donald Trump is going to end elections, that democracy is being threatened, that it’s going to be the end of the world – that made it…

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