On Saturday night, CNN ran a year-in-review special All The Best, All the Worst 2024, and naturally, since it’s CNN the conservative-leaning Supreme Court got a Worst.
Anchor Tom Foreman proclaimed the high court had the “worst public image plunge.” He didn’t cite a poll. He’s not wrong, but the plunge is largely among CNN viewers — in other words, Democrats. As Gallup reported in October:
Depressed ratings of the high court are driven largely by exceedingly low trust (24%) and job approval (15%) among Democrats. These low ratings have contributed to a record 47-percentage-point party gap in trust in the federal judicial branch and near-record 57-point gap in Supreme Court job approval.
Democrats’ frustrations with the Supreme Court lie in their belief, held by 82%, that the Supreme Court is “too conservative.” Meanwhile, 69% of…