News Busters

CNN Tries To Explain Away GOP-Leaning Kids Being More Tolerant

For reasons that only it can explain, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 decided to do a research project on what 10 and 11-year olds think about Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and their supporters. On Wednesday, they reported that kids who are more supportive of Trump are more tolerant than those who are more supporative of Harris, but desperately tried to explain this away by claiming that could simply be due to them not knowing as much about her.

In a voiceover, Cooper reported, “Overall, the biggest finding the children in the study were polarized with what researchers called more extreme responses from the blue state kids than the red state kids.”



A trio of kids were then shown bashing Trump. One claimed, “Donald Trump, he did bad things. He’s like Hitler.” A second added, “He only wanted to be president, so that he can just control…

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