Red state

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Joins the Chorus in Whining About Trump Town Hall, Blasting the Boss

The wellspring of outrage from “journalists” continues to erupt over CNN’s daring to air a town hall featuring the man who most of them consider to be their arch-nemesis, former President Donald J. Trump. RedState’s Sister Toldjah told you about the meltdown by media reporter Oliver Darcy, “formerly the poodle-like sidekick to ex-CNN media hall monitor Brian Stelter,” I brought you Jake Tapper’s on-air conniption as he almost wept at the event’s conclusion, and Nick Arama wrote about perhaps about the most pathetic sight of all, anchor Anderson Cooper looking like a miserable dog in the rain as he told viewers that they “have every right to be outraged today and angry and never watch this network again.”Read More 

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