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CNN’s Scott Jennings Blows Up the Narrative of Former Harris Spokesperson in Mere Seconds – RedState

On Sunday’s episode CNN’s “State of the Union,” co-hosted by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, regular contributor Scott Jennings absolutely destroyed former Kamala Harris communications director Jamal Simmons’s narrative of where he sees the Harris presidential campaign, in a matter of seconds.

It was not only a beautiful thing to see; it was also a textbook example of how to take it to Harris over the next roughly 100 days before the November 5 election. 

The festivities kicked off with Tapper asking the now-CNN commentator Simmons to weigh in on where he thought “we” (the Harris campaign) are right now. That exchange went like this:

TAPPER: Where are we right now?


TAPPER:100 days. 

SIMMONS: 100 days out. Listen, the campaign has got a lot to do. 

TAPPER: She says she’s the underdog. Is she?

Simmons jumped all over the “Kamala is the underdog” notion like a pig on an acorn.


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