News Busters

Colbert Laments Pope Is ‘Less Pro-LGBTQ Than NASCAR’ Ahead Of Meeting

On Wednesday’s edition of The Late Show on CBS, host Stephen Colbert reported that he will be part of a group of 105 comedians from 15 countries to travel to the Vatican for a meeting with Pope Francis, but before he does that, he lamented, “Pope Francis is less pro-LGBTQ than NASCAR.”

Colbert began, “If you are longtime viewers of the show, you know I’m a Catholic, which means I believe that one of the virtues is humility. Well, tonight I’ve got something to be extra humble about, because I can announce that this weekend Pope Francis is going to meet me at the Vatican! Right? I mean, come on. I mean, am I excited? Is the pope Catholic? I’ll let you know after I meet the freakin’ pope!”



Longtime viewers also know that Colbert uses his Catholicism to push un-Catholic progressive culture war issues on everything from abortion…

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