Hot Air

Colorado City Council Votes to Declare Itself a “Non-Sanctuary City” – HotAir

The city of Aurora, Colorado, a part of the Denver metroplex, voted no on taking in buses of illegal aliens. The resolution was the Aurora City Council’s way of saying the city will refuse any buses that may come from Denver as that sanctuary city struggles to provide services for illegal aliens. 

The resolution is mostly symbolic with no real enforcement measures attached. It was approved Monday night by a 7-3 vote. The final resolution was scaled back from its earlier version which drew sharp criticism from activists for homeless and immigrant communities.

It boils down to resources. There aren’t enough to handle a flood of illegal aliens arriving in the city. Aurora officials don’t want to go the way of Denver which has begun to stop some services for its residents to fund services for illegal aliens. Legal residents are given the short end of the deal with illegals receiving…

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