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Colorado Law School Student Blows Whistle on Anti-Trump Course

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—A top public university’s law school is offering a class this fall that aims to explore the U.S.’ political shift toward “authoritarian Christianist nationalism” in the “age of Trump,” according to an email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The University of Colorado at Boulder’s Law School class, titled “Statutory Interpretation,” is offered to second-year law students and will hinge on topics of relevance in the current election season, including former President Donald Trump’s legal battles and the Supreme Court’s supposed “legitimacy crisis,” professor Paul Campos told students in an email obtained by DCNF.

Campos noted in the email that the course could be more aptly named “The Crisis of the American Legal System in the Age of Trump.”

“[It] isn’t surprising that [the school would]…

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