Hot Air

Columbia U Punished Custodians, Not the Students Who Kidnapped and Assaulted Them – HotAir

What do you call an organized, violent mob of antisemitic hammer-wielding bullies who assault people, break things, shout slogans, and draw Swastikas on everything?

Brownshirts, of course, unless you are a Leftist. Then you call them social justice warriors, and all the smart set are in love with them. 

Such a mob of Brownshirts took over Columbia University for quite a while last year and are still quite active there today. Aside from their “occupation” for much of the year, they conducted a number of violent raids, including the assault on a campus building that resulted in massive damage and escalated to the point where the mob assaulted and kidnapped two custodians who were there cleaning off all the Swastikas the mob has earlier tagged the building with. 

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