News Busters

Comedy Shows Go All In On Kelly Calling Trump a Fascist

Former Trump chief of staff John Kelly has a habit of being the go-to source for those seeking tantalizing anti-Trump stories, even as other former Trump administration officials who have soured on him cast doubt on them. However, for the men of late night comedy on Wednesday, if an anti-Trump story confirms their pre-existing biases, it must be true.

The latest Kelly story includes allegations Trump praised Adolf Hitler, longs for American generals to be more like Hitler’s, and that Trump himself is a fascist. For CBS’s host of The Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Kelly’s claims were not that surprising, “He also falls into the specific definition of a fascist. So this is less of an ‘October surprise’ and more of an ‘Early autumn no [bleep].’”



Colbert was also dismayed that Kelly’s allegations will not impact the election, “Trump is…

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