News Busters

‘Communist’ Climate Agenda ‘Devastating’ for World Poor

Peterson: ‘Communist’ Climate Agenda ‘Devastating’ for World Poor Renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson ripped the crazy beliefs and goals of climate-crazy global organizations and elites for the “communist” monstrosities that they are.

Peterson dropped the hammer on the insane eco-extremist agenda and the harm that it is causing people everywhere in the name of Gaia during a March 26 debate with commentator Steven Bonnell II, also known as Destiny, on The Jordan Peterson Podcast. Peterson laid out the ridiculous agenda in his description of it: “[The climate change movement]has this guise of compassion. ‘Oh, we’re going to save the poor in the future.’ It’s like, that’s what the bloody communist said!” Peterson also ripped into elites and organizations that obsessively shove the climate change narrative down the plebeians’ throats, , such as the  World Economic Forum (WEF). “The alternative to [the…

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