News Busters

Conservative Radio Host Chris Plante Speaks Out After Joining Newsmax

Amid a huge ratings spike in recent weeks, Newsmax is revamping their 9 p.m. Eastern weeknight timeslot with a brand new show featuring conservative radio talk show host Chris Plante and current host Jenn Pellegrino, in addition to three other panelists. Plante’s new show Chris Plante The Right Squad will launch Monday, May 8, at 9 p.m. Eastern.

This new role will be in addition to his radio hosting duties as a late morning radio show based out of WMAL in Washington, D.C., and syndicated on over 100 radio stations nationwide.

Prior to his radio career, Plante worked at CNN for 17 years as the network’s Pentagon correspondent, where he was awarded both the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for Excellence in Journalism. 

“Chris Plante is an award-winning journalist who delivers fact-based news and opinion while keeping the conversation fun and interesting,” Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said in a statement on Thursday. “We are proud he is joining the Newsmax team after years of success at CNN and Cumulus/Westwood One.” 

In addition to his statement in the Newsmax press release, Plante took to the airwaves on his wildly popular radio show to break the news to his audience:

Click here to listen to Chris Plante’s announcement. 

“I’m very happy to be able to say that I will be hosting a show on Newsmax beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern, and as a panel discussion show on the news of the day. And this has been in the works for some time, been all hush hush because we were still working it out,” Plante announced. 

“So I want to share that with you. And I’m congratulating myself,” Plante added in his classic humorous speaking style. 

Stay tuned to NewsBusters in the weeks ahead for any news from the premiere of Plante’s show. 

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read: 

Westwood One’s The Chris Plante Show
10:28 a.m. Eastern

CHRIS PLANTE: Now, I should share because there are people joining and stations joining. That an announcement came out today, an announcement that I, Chris Plante will be hosting a show on Newsmax on Newsmax TV beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern Time. That’d be 6 p.m. on the West Coast. And you know, you can figure it out in between. But the statement went out today, and I’m very happy to be able to say that I will be hosting a show on Newsmax beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern, and as a panel discussion show on the news of the day. And this has been in the works for some time, been all hush hush because we were still working it out. But Newsmax announces new show with Chris Plante. 

The statement went out today. Newsmax will launch a new prime-time show hosted by Chris Plante beginning Monday, May 8th at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Chris Plante The Right Squad. The Right Squad will be an exciting panel show led by Chris Plante and will include Newsmax veteran Jen Pellegrino, who is wonderful. Along with three other regular panelists. And the show marks a major new addition to the Newsmax lineup that begins each night with Greta Van Susteren’s The Record, followed by Rob Schmitt Tonight, Eric Bolling: The Balance, and then Chris Plante: The Right Squad. So I want to share that with you. And I’m congratulating myself, I’m congratulating myself. Now we got a little spill, the wine spill the wine, kiss that girl, dig that girl by War. So Newsmax and Chris Plante together for, you know, for the future, for Newsmax, Newsmax Rising.

Amid a huge ratings spike in recent weeks, Newsmax is revamping their 9 p.m. Eastern weeknight timeslot with a brand new show featuring conservative radio talk show host Chris Plante and current host Jenn Pellegrino, in addition to three other panelists. Plante’s new show Chris Plante The Right Squad will launch Monday, May 8, at 9 p.m. Eastern.

This new role will be in addition to his radio hosting duties as a late morning radio show based out of WMAL in Washington, D.C., and syndicated on over 100 radio stations nationwide.

Prior to his radio career, Plante worked at CNN for 17 years as the network’s Pentagon correspondent, where he was awarded both the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for Excellence in Journalism. 

“Chris Plante is an award-winning journalist who delivers fact-based news and opinion while keeping the conversation fun and interesting,” Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said in a statement on Thursday. “We are proud he is joining the Newsmax team after years of success at CNN and Cumulus/Westwood One.” 

In addition to his statement in the Newsmax press release, Plante took to the airwaves on his wildly popular radio show to break the news to his audience:

Click here to listen to Chris Plante’s announcement. 

“I’m very happy to be able to say that I will be hosting a show on Newsmax beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern, and as a panel discussion show on the news of the day. And this has been in the works for some time, been all hush hush because we were still working it out,” Plante announced. 

“So I want to share that with you. And I’m congratulating myself,” Plante added in his classic humorous speaking style. 

Stay tuned to NewsBusters in the weeks ahead for any news from the premiere of Plante’s show. 

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read: 

Westwood One’s The Chris Plante Show
10:28 a.m. Eastern

CHRIS PLANTE: Now, I should share because there are people joining and stations joining. That an announcement came out today, an announcement that I, Chris Plante will be hosting a show on Newsmax on Newsmax TV beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern Time. That’d be 6 p.m. on the West Coast. And you know, you can figure it out in between. But the statement went out today, and I’m very happy to be able to say that I will be hosting a show on Newsmax beginning Monday evening, 9 p.m. Eastern, and as a panel discussion show on the news of the day. And this has been in the works for some time, been all hush hush because we were still working it out. But Newsmax announces new show with Chris Plante. 

The statement went out today. Newsmax will launch a new prime-time show hosted by Chris Plante beginning Monday, May 8th at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Chris Plante The Right Squad. The Right Squad will be an exciting panel show led by Chris Plante and will include Newsmax veteran Jen Pellegrino, who is wonderful. Along with three other regular panelists. And the show marks a major new addition to the Newsmax lineup that begins each night with Greta Van Susteren’s The Record, followed by Rob Schmitt Tonight, Eric Bolling: The Balance, and then Chris Plante: The Right Squad. So I want to share that with you. And I’m congratulating myself, I’m congratulating myself. Now we got a little spill, the wine spill the wine, kiss that girl, dig that girl by War. So Newsmax and Chris Plante together for, you know, for the future, for Newsmax, Newsmax Rising. 

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