As we’ve noted before, to describe New York Times columnist Paul Krugman as “clueless” would be like characterizing The View co-host Joy Behar as “screechy.” Everyone knows that’s what they are, so the descriptor isn’t necessary.
But it’s worth emphasizing the point all the same considering that the same purported economist who is adored by the left but who has gotten so much wrong related to economic/cultural matters actually won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2008.
It’s a (grossly overinflated) award that elevated him in the eyes of his social media/Ivory Tower sycophants but which only caused his critics to become even more skeptical of his declarations, hunches that bore out over the years as Krugman made one wrong prediction/claim after another.
SEE ALSO: Over Three Years After His Doomsday Prediction, Paul Krugman Makes Reluctant…