In an unexpected twist, on Sunday, controversial social media figure Andrew Tate announced his intention to become Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Tate cited the success of Fidias Panayiotou, a YouTuber turned European Parliament member, as inspiration. Tate argued that the time is ripe for a political outsider to shake up the landscape amid distrust for the “political class.”
The British-American kickboxer turned influencer wrote:
The most Googled man in the world, who is British, becoming the PM?After @Fidias0 became a member of EU parliament from his YouTube channel. At the time of great awakening and distrust in the political class? Stranger things have happened. I am 100% serious. I am in the next election.
Calling the country “my home” Tate said that he’s coming to save Great Britain.
Prime Minister Andrew Tate
I am coming to save my home.
I am coming…