Hot Air

Cornel West Tossed Off Ballot in Michigan – HotAir

You may be starting to detect a pattern here. First, they did it to RFK in New York. And now, they have removed independent presidential candidate Cornel West from the ballot in Michigan. This could have a much bigger impact than removing RFK, for reasons we’ll address shortly. But the excuse they came up with for removing him was, if anything, even weaker than the one put forward to give Kennedy the old heave-ho. Call me paranoid if you wish, but it’s almost as if the Democrats don’t want voters to show up at the polls on November 5 and see the name of anyone from any party or no party at all on their ballots except for Kamala Harris. Why do you suppose that might be? (USA Today)

The Michigan Bureau of Elections on Friday disqualified independent presidential candidate Cornel West, the civil rights activist and philosopher, along with his running mate from appearing on the Nov. 5…

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