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Court Stops NYC Mayor’s Efforts to Block Migrant Buses – HotAir

As you will recall, the Governor of Texas has been loading up busloads of illegal migrants in his state and shipping them out to blue cities around the country, with a particular emphasis on New York. That flow of buses has slowed down a bit this summer, but not enough to satisfy Mayor Eric Adams of the Big Apple. He wanted to stop the bus shipments entirely. Being unable to find a way to stop Governor Greg Abbott from sending them, Adams decided to take the bus companies to court, seeking to either force them to go elsewhere or to pay huge fees to cover the cost of caring for the migrants. That legal battle appeared to come to an end this week when the New York State Supreme Court ruled against Adams saying that his demands of the bus companies were unconstitutional. The Mayor’s office said that he would respect the court’s decision. (CBS News)

The New York State Supreme Court…

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