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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Still Threaten Religious Freedom

This is the first in a three-part series on the movement for religious freedom in the U.S. legal system today. Stay tuned for the next two installments.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, represents Americans in religious freedom cases who have been turned away from hospitals because they refuse to take a vaccine for COVID-19.

“It’s disgraceful to put anyone on medical death row simply because they’re not willing to take a very controversial experimental vaccine, which is now proven to be very counterproductive,” Dacus tells “The Daily Signal” podcast in an interview conducted in February at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention here.

Some of the Pacific Justice Institute’s clients need organ transplants, he says, but “a minority of hospitals” are denying them.

“Most say no problem, you don’t…

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