Hot Air

Crib Notes Version of ‘Why I Hate the CR’ aka ‘Shut It Down’ – HotAir

OMG. What a crap sammich.

Ed’s already gone through the appalling nerve of Dicky Durbin trying to boost his pay like he was a UAW or UPS worker or something.

I hate to break it to you, Senator – but there is sympathy in America when the unions start squawking. Those guys WORK, Durbin.

As I know, my intellectual heavy-weight counterparts are already chewing this thing up (See? I can be nice to David), so I thought I’d just bring the stenographer’s version of the bull*coughs*it that’s in this abomination.

So, an X friend of mine (not ‘ex’ – we still talk!) who had his own site keeping track of government waste fraud and abuse documenting bull*coughs*it contract awards long before DOGE was a gleam in anyone’s eye (RandoLand) just found a few fun infringements.

One means you go to jail for making naughty pictures even if they’re meant as parody (quibble about the…

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