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‘Crushing It:’ ‘Dirty Jobs’ Host Mike Rowe Tells Ben Shapiro Which Workers Are Winning In This Economy

In a new “Sunday Special” interview, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro spoke to television host Mike Rowe about blue-collar jobs and patriotism.

Rowe is famous for hosting the Discovery Channel show “Dirty Jobs” in the early 2000s. His new movie, “Something to Stand For” pulls stories about American heroes and is hitting theaters at the end of June.

During their hour-long conversation, Shapiro asked Rowe what inspired him to make his patriotic movie.

“I’m real clear when I talk about it that I didn’t write it for Republicans or Democrats or liberals or conservatives. I wrote it for people who still see themselves first and foremost as Americans,” Rowe said.

Rowe lamented that “anti-Americanism” has “crept into the conversation.”

“It is unfortunate that there is a cohort today that fundamentally sees themselves as something else,” he said. “The…

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