Comedy Central’s The Daily Show’s temp host of the week, Michael Kosta, welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris’s selection of Tim Walz to be her running mate on Tuesday by praising Walz’s liberal record as governor of Minnesota. Even jokes nominally about Walz were more about Midwestern stereotypes than Walz.
Kosta began by hyping, “But since you guys have probably never heard of this guy before, I Googled him in a panic on your behalf this morning. And what I found out is that Tim Walz has got a lot done as governor. He legalized marijuana, passed family—yeah, it is a weed crowd. He passed family and sick leave, he codified abortion rights. And provided free meals for all school kids.”
He also noted, “Which makes him an ironic VP pick. Democrats said, “Man, you’ve done so much as governor. We’d like to promote you to a…