Red state

Damaging Details Leak About Some of Kamala’s Problems and What Biden Really Thinks – RedState

We’ve now gotten to the point where it looks like Kamala Harris might be the Democrat nominee for president, despite not even getting a single vote in the primary for that position. As some are saying, it’s a selection rather than an election, and an end run around “democracy” from the party that likes to pretend they are the saviors of democracy. 

The ironic karma of it all, as I wrote about on Monday is that after all that, Kamala’s poll numbers are still behind former President Donald Trump, at least so far. And she’s just as unpopular, if not more so, than Joe Biden. She’s also directly tied not only to all the bad policies that were put in place but to her own failure to actually do things, like help deal with the border, one of her few charges from Biden. 

She of course has all her own issues of being seen as a lightweight cackler who speaks in word salads. Then on top of…

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