News Busters

David Brooks Is Exhibit A in PBS Avoiding Real Conservatives

One of the reasons I have long inveighed against “public” TV is its tendency to avoid authentic conservative opinion. For almost 20 years now, Exhibit A has been PBS News Hour pundit David Brooks. PBS picked up Brooks as its supposedly right-leaning Friday night opinionator in 2004, shortly after he became a New York Times columnist in 2003.

The Atlantic is pushing an article on Facebook that Brooks wrote for them, titled “Confessions of a Republican Exile.” The subhead summarized: “A longtime conservative, alienated by Trumpism, tries to come to terms with life on the moderate edge of the Democratic Party.”

One would think this was new, but it’s from last October. Brooks wrote: “So these days I find myself rooting for the Democrats about 70 percent of the time. I’ve taken up residence on what I like to call the rightward edge of the…

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