Red state

David Hogg – All Grown Up…Sort Of – RedState

A few short years ago, David Hogg resembled “Bewitched” character Darrin Stevens — who those of a certain age will recall — reincarnated, with his Brylcreemed hair, big ears, and propensity for manic behavior whenever it was time for his close-up. Clean-cut, sanctimonious, and leaking self-righteousness out of one ear, self-importance from the other, Hogg made news as a survivor of a school shooting who later emerged as an anti-second amendment activist. The press liked this very much and ran his finger-wagging mug all over as he condemned gun owners everywhere to the Fiery Pit of Dante’s Hell. It caused some pushback from conservative grown-ups, who, just as with the Pugsly-Faced “How Dare You” girl, quickly got sick of dumb moralistic lectures from children recently out of braces. 

Now, mercifully, the boy went to school, and we didn’t have to hear…

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