Hot Air

David Hogg Is Just the Man to Help Lead the DNC! – HotAir

Minnesotans–or should I say the too few Minnesotans who are sane enough to notice–have long known that Tim Walz is a stupid, nasty, and very radical man. 

I cheered when Kamala Harris chose him, both because he was a terrible choice and because he would finally be subjected to some media scrutiny, which I assure you NEVER happens to Democrats in Minnesota. 

Walz was unmasked as a radical lefty during the campaign and, more than that, as a buffoon. Just how big a buffoon is as easy to forget as his name for people outside Minnesota–no doubt most people couldn’t name him now–unless he pops up into the national conversation by trying to exert his “influence.”

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Democrats are having a hard time connecting with ordinary people–their natural…

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