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Daylight Saving Time=Big Government Metaphor

In the wee, small hours of Sunday morning, most of the United States engaged in the semiannual idiocy known as daylight saving time. 

“The typical implementation of DST is to set clocks forward by one hour in spring or late winter, and to set clocks back by one hour to standard time in the autumn,” per Wikipedia.

To which I semiannually respond with the anecdote of the old Navajo’s reaction to this idiocy: “Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

My objection to daylight saving time is a part of my broader objection to humans fighting against nature and human nature. We think we can alter these things. We really can’t.

The climate change morons have spent the past several decades fighting nature, pretending carbon dioxide is a pollutant. And they have greatly…

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