Greetings from the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState. Sammy the Shark and Karl the Kraken are preoccupied with playing bubble hockey, which involves actual bubbles in the water since they’re currently swimming alongside the ship. So, as usual, yours truly is doing all the writing.
I’ve never been inclined to do even the slightest amount of sports wagering due to the thoroughly unpredictable nature of athletic events. That said, there are certain elements in sports upon which one can safely place a bet or two, or at least could, should you find someone foolish enough to take the bet. The San Francisco Giants will lose out on any and all high-profile free agents no matter how much money they offer, Stephen A. Smith will rip on the Dallas Cowboys every time they lose a game, and Deadspin will miss no opportunity to beclown itself when it…