News Busters

Debunking Alleged AI Fake of Biden at G7: Media’s Extreme Gaslighting Efforts

The Democrats and their media allies now have a new shtick. If they find a video to be embarrassing, especially videos revealing Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, they now pretend they are really “deepfakes” and “cheap fakes.”

On the CNBC afternoon show The Exchange on Monday, anchor Kelly Evans previewed a segment with current CNBC contributor and former Democrat Senator Heidi Heitkamp: “The rise of AI-generated deepfakes is on the rise ahead of this November’s election. Is it too late for Congress to regulate the industry?”

Evans put on screen the video revealing Joe Biden turning around and wandering a few steps away during a skydiving exhibition at the G-7 meeting in Italy. Watch the two versions of the video in which the CNBC host and contributor desperately want you to believe the first is a mere AI fake despite the fact that the second video shot at a…

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