News Busters

Defamation Judge Throws Out CNN’s Sharia Law Defense

In a major order filed Tuesday in the $1 billion defamation case against CNN, and exclusively obtained by NewsBusters, Judge William Scott Henry of Florida’s 14th Circuit Court threw out CNN’s desperate attempt to cite Taliban Sharia law in their defense. Judge Henry also ordered that Plaintiff and Navy veteran Zachary Young “did not act illegally or criminally.”

As NewsBusters was first to report back in August, the Cable News Network took to citing Taliban Sharia law in order to defend suggestions made in their offending report; that Young was engaged in criminal activity when he was working to help rescue women and children from Afghanistan following U.S. withdrawal and the Taliban sweeping back into power.

In their filing citing Sharia law, CNN listed off a series of illegal activities Young, the other operatives, and the people fleeing the…

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