Hot Air

DEI Training Created Perceptions of Prejudice ‘Where None Was Present’ – HotAir

A study by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) and Rutgers University Social Perception Lab found that exposure to DEI materials made people more likely to perceive prejudice where none existed. Simply put, they appear to do more harm than good by increasing hostility between groups.

The studies reported herein assess a crucial question: Do ideas and rhetoric foundational to many DEI trainings foster pluralistic inclusiveness, or do they exacerbate intergroup and interpersonal conflicts? Do they increase empathy and understanding or increase hostility towards members of groups labeled as oppressors?

The study looked at three different types of DEI training, on religion, race and caste. For the experiment on race, they used material taken from books written by Ibram Kendi and Robin Diangelo. A control group was presented with a neutral text about…

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