Red state

Delaware Joins Seven Other States, Allows Human Composting As Alternative to Burial and Cremation – RedState

Death comes to us all, and while we could spill a lot of virtual ink around the religious/spiritual aspects of going quietly (or not) into that good night, one state is dealing with the physical and, one might say, logistical aspects, as Delaware is joining several other states in legalizing human composting

The Delaware Senate gave final approval Thursday to a bill allowing the composting of human bodies as an alternative to burial or cremation.

The measure passed on a 14-7 vote and now goes to Democratic Gov. John Carney.

The legislation authorizes a practice called natural organic reduction, which is often referred to as human composting.

Human composting is currently legal in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California, New York and Nevada, and legislation has been introduced in more than a dozen other states.

Supporters of the practice say it is an environmentally…

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