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Dem Division Heats Up As Carville Fires Back at Fetterman, Accidentally Takes Out Biden in the Process – RedState

I wrote earlier about how Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) cursed out Democratic consultant James Carville, telling him to, “Shut the f**k up” about Biden’s low approval and concerns that Biden will lose in 2024. 

Fetterman Curses Out James Carville in Battle Over Biden’s Chances, Drops Some Delicious Truth on Newsom

And I’m very vocal about this, too, while there are Democrats that are being very critical about the president. … I’ll use this [as] another opportunity to tell James Carville to shut the fuck up. Like I said, my man hasn’t been relevant since grunge was a thing. And I don’t know why he believes it’s helpful to say these kinds of things about an incredibly difficult circumstance with an incredibly strong and decent and excellent president. I’ll never understand that.

Fetterman also took another shot at Gov. Gavin Newsom running a shadow campaign for the…

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