Hot Air

Dem Rep Compares Biden to Jesus – HotAir

When you think of President Joe Biden these days, who does he remind you of? You might invoke your impression of an elderly relative who is similarly struggling with cognitive issues. The less charitable among us might make a reference to Elmer Fudd or some other frequently befuddled character. But that’s not the view that Democratic Congressman Don Beyer of Virginia holds. While introducing Biden at a fundraiser earlier this week, Beyer compared the President to none other than Jesus Christ. This was a case of setting the bar very high, to say the least. But what is it about Joe Biden that reminds Beyer of the Savior so much? Apparently it’s his ability to endure hardship and suffering. A Beyer spokesperson later attempted to deny that his boss was drawing such a comparison, but a transcript of the remarks leaves little doubt as to what he was saying. (Free Beacon)


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