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Democrat Ethics Loudmouth Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Finds Himself in Corruption Scandal of His Own – RedState

Rhode Island Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is one of those lawmakers like Sens. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) who consistently use highfalutin’ rhetoric and “dangers to Democracy” statements to act like they’re these great, above-it-all-statesmen—all the while trampling on our actual liberty and undermining our constitutional system.

Schiff, if you’ll recall, promised for years that he had evidence that Donald Trump was involved in Russian collusion, yet he never produced an ounce of said evidence; Schumer, meanwhile, blatantly threatened Supreme Court Justices with violence because he didn’t agree with their rulings.

But now the oh-so-saintly (terribly named) Whitehouse is embroiled in an ethics scandal of his own:

Legal experts are pointing out what they say is hypocrisy as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., faces…

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