Hot Air

Democrats’ Biggest Problem Is Their Voting Base – HotAir

I think we can all agree that the Democratic Party is in deep trouble. 

Whatever poll you look at, the results are the same: approval for the Party is in the mid-to-high 20s, with ordinary voters disgusted by their antics and their bizarre priorities and values. 

Admittedly, many Democratic Party elected officials are genuinely ideologically captured–cultural or even economic Marxists who believe that the West needs to be destroyed, that children need to be sterilized and mutilated, and that the primary role of government is putting dollars into the pockets of Leftist lunatics. 

But at least a plurality, and likely a majority of Democratic officeholders, are normal political grifters just wanting to use graft and corruption to get money and power. And such people take their cues from their voters because it is they who butter their bread. 

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