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Democrats Deny Reality of Men Competing in Women’s Sports

Does Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., really live in New York or an alternate universe?

People certainly wondered after a House Judiciary Committee hearing where the 76-year-old declared, “Men do not compete in women’s sports.” Is the president’s senility contagious or is Nadler living in complete denial of a global phenomenon that’s plunged communities into chaos?

Not only are men competing in women’s sports, they’re winning women’s titles—a fact Riley Gaines was more than happy to point out.

“Ironic he says this on the EXACT two-year anniversary of this photo being taken,” Gaines, the former University of Kentucky swimmer, posted alongside a picture of Lia Thomas holding a trophy he never should have had the chance to race for. “This 6’4” man isn’t fooling anyone with any amount of common sense,” Gaines fumed. “2 years ago today, I…

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