Did you know that protecting women and girls from men invading their locker rooms and sports requires genital inspections?
Neither did I. And back in the olden days of…yesterday?–it didn’t seem to bother anyone that there were girl’s sports and boy’s sports or that pervs were kept out of girl’s locker room.
Now, though, the Progressives have decided that sex differentiation is a myth and that recognizing that women exist means that you are obsessed with examining in detail the anatomy of little girls.
PERV! Nothing pervy about a teen boy sitting in a girls’ locker room inspecting the genitals of teen girls, but asking him not to makes you a pedophile or something.
Multiple democrats are making this “genital inspection” argument, which is just about as shockingly idiotic as it comes.
To top it off, the girls have to share a locker room with these boys….