Democrats, It’s Going to Be OK
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Democrats, It’s Going to Be OK

Dear Democrats,

It is going to be OK. It really will. You’ll have the midterms in two years. There’ll be another presidential election in four years. Those of you reading this insisting there will be no more elections are no better than the idiots on my side who think 2020 was stolen and that if Kamala Harris had won, there would be no more elections.

In 2004, you guys were pretty stunned by George W. Bush’s reelection. Within two years, you had Congress. In two more years, you had everything. And, again, many of you believed after 2004 that it was the end of all things. It was not.

Now, please consider this.

You lost, in part, because your side of the aisle engaged in a cover-up of the sitting president’s cognitive decline. His staff, Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress and senior members of the press with access to Biden told everyone he was fine….

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