By any measure, 2024 was not a good year to be a Democrat. You had Joe Biden’s dementia that you had tried so hard to cover up exposed during a presidential debate. Then, Nancy Pelosi tried to help you and shivved Joe Biden out the door. Then your replacement candidate, who would have been so many “firsts,” turned out to be a word salad aficionado, often making Joe Biden look coherent. Finally, when you tried gaslighting the American people on a scale never before seen and insisted that they go along with your crazy ideas, they rejected you wholeheartedly. Yep, it was not a good year.
REPORTER: “Mr. President you surround yourself with a lot of billionaires.”
TRUMP: “Well Biden surrounded himself with a lot of guys. And then they found out he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about and then they deserted him.”
— Autism…