Hot Air

Dems And Media Defrauded America on Biden. Make Them Pay. – HotAir

It’s now clear: Democrats have lied for four years about the President’s cognitive status.

From the moment that Joe Biden shuffled onto the stage in last night’s debate to the time he had to be helped off of it by his wife, the president confirmed every suspicion about his age and cognitive decline. He stumbled through his opening answer; he stumbled through his closing statement. As CNN’s split-screen showed, Joe Biden appeared to have trouble paying attention during Donald Trump’s answers, and kept falling back on barely enunciated platitudes and verbal tics to organize his thoughts to any level of coherence.

This was not just a debate loss for Biden. It was an utter humiliation, arguably elder abuse perpetrated on those around him who spent a full week at Camp David attempting to make Biden look competent. Either it did not do any good at all, or — worse yet — it might indicate…

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