Conservatives won’t get sucker punched while watching “Reagan.”
The Aug. 30 release, featuring Dennis Quaid as the iconic GOP leader, wasn’t made in Liberal Hollywood. Quaid’s affection for the Gipper is another clue. He’s been sharing his warm feelings for the 40th president across media outlets for some time now.

Need more? Consider the cast, which includes openly conservative actors like Robert Davi, Kevin Sorbo and Jon Voight.
The chances of “Reagan” being a two-hour hit piece hover between slim and none, with Vegas money on the latter.
That hasn’t always been the case when it comes to capturing Reagan on screens large and small. Screenwriters have found Reagan irresistible, but they haven’t always hewed to the truth along the way.
Hollywood’s far-Left biases kept getting in the way.
Project after project has attempted to belittle the GOP leader, but those efforts…