Red state

Despite All the Kamala Hype, She Still Has to Rely on the Clintons and the Obamas to Save Her – RedState

Ever since Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 race and Kamala Harris took over the campaign, we’ve been told she has all the momentum. Her poll numbers are up, they tell us. There is “joy” and “excitement” for her, they say. After Tuesday night’s debate, he’s done and she’s going to win.

Just a bit of a problem for Harris, though.

The bump in her poll numbers has largely plateaued, and her best polling, the data that shows her ahead of Donald Trump, has her within the margin of error in almost every poll. The joy and excitement is being generated by the Democrats’ key allies in the media, and is not perceptible outside of social media.

And if you want to know how much she “won” the debate, look at the fact that largely every media report from the debate is about what Trump said. No one cares about what Harris said because she never really said anything.

The campaign clearly knows that,…

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