Hot Air

Destroying the Rain Forest For a Climate Summit (Update) – HotAir

Glenn Reynolds likes to say in one form or another, “I’ll treat climate change like a crisis when the elites do.” But I think even my friend Glenn would be astonished at the hypocrisy and contradictions taking place in the Amazon. 

The leaders of the COP30 climate summit insisted that they needed to hold their next meeting in the Amazon — to draw attention to the dangers of deforestation, among other issues. And they are so worried about deforestation that the same leaders have clear-cut a four-lane highway through the heart of the rainforest in anticipation of the traffic that will come to the city of Belém.

No, I’m not kidding, and neither is the BBC:

A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in…

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