Hot Air

Did Egypt Offer to Relocate Gazans? – HotAir

Color me skeptical, although not entirely dismissive — yet. With Israel’s renewed military operations in Gaza and Donald Trump’s threats to zero out the territory and start over, Egypt may have at least begun Plans B through Z when it comes to the militants that make their lives miserable.

A Lebanese news outlet reports that Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had broached the idea of temporarily relocating as many as 500,000 Gazans into the Sinai. The apparent idea would be to get other countries to do the same to drain Gaza of its civilian population so that Israel can annihilate Hamas and finally put an end to twenty years of war. But since the first rule of Relocation Club is ‘you don’t talk about Relocation Club,’ all sides deny that the topic came up:

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has informed other Arab leaders that he is willing to temporarily relocate…

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