Did Masked Bandit and Lone Newsroom Survivor Taylor Lorenz Finally – FINALLY
Hot Air

Did Masked Bandit and Lone Newsroom Survivor Taylor Lorenz Finally – FINALLY


The woman is SUCH an unholy freak. How the entire Washington Post newsroom, from the executive editors on down, has been shown the door, given their pink slips and walking papers, while she of the paranoid hypochondriacal mask freakouts and stalking-while-doxxing adventures is still EMPLOYED has remained a mystery second only to, say, how skeevy Pete Davidson keeps scoring these amazing-looking women.

The disconnect between what our normal eyes perceive and the subject’s apparent value to…compromised parties (maybe?)…is so yuge it defies rational description. She’s got to have something on somebody to have outlasted everyone.

Lorenz has been a constant, and not at-all laudatory, burr under the Wahington Post saddle for years now. This isn’t a case of the…well, shoot. No one still knows how old she is...

UPDATE (March 31, 2022):

New information has come to…

Read more…

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