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Dinesh D’Souza’s Most Important Film Yet

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, “Vindicating Trump,” opens in theaters nationwide Friday.

D’Souza spoke with The Daily Signal about the film, offering behind-the-scenes insights from his exclusive interview with former President Donald Trump, which was conducted just days after the July 13 assassination attempt.

“I noticed that Trump was somewhat more measured,” D’Souza recalled from their time together in Florida. “He seemed somewhat more reflective in the sense of now seeing his own life as maybe having some sort of a directed purpose.”

The movie is D’Souza’s eighth film. His goal for “Vindicating Trump” is to present a different view of Trump’s character and presidency—a perspective he hopes more Americans will come to appreciate.

“I think Trump is aware that he represents something bigger than himself. He is…

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