Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! On this show I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories from the fever swamps of the left.
This week we talked about a “gender fluid” individual who explained how she’s equal parts man and woman and neither too! She claimed “I’m not a woman everyday” and also that most of the time she’s a “mix of” male and female. Her main point was that she’s the “motherf**king man” and that “HER d**k slang just like” her “titties do.”
One of her co-crazies posted his sob story about his vaginal stenosis from having “gender confirmation” surgery. Supposedly he got is penis turned into a vagina and is experiencing some pain and discomfort. All the while he insisted that he never chose this lifestyle.
And no, he wasn’t kidding.
Next up was a new and improved way to train people who have misgendering tendencies. One lib decided to use a clicker tool that’s commonly used for dogs to train her family against using female pronouns.
As a final reminder, we learned that apparently, biological sex is fake.
The more ya know!
That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!
Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! On this show I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories from the fever swamps of the left.
This week we talked about a “gender fluid” individual who explained how she’s equal parts man and woman and neither too! She claimed “I’m not a woman everyday” and also that most of the time she’s a “mix of” male and female. Her main point was that she’s the “motherf**king man” and that “HER d**k slang just like” her “titties do.”
One of her co-crazies posted his sob story about his vaginal stenosis from having “gender confirmation” surgery. Supposedly he got is penis turned into a vagina and is experiencing some pain and discomfort. All the while he insisted that he never chose this lifestyle.
And no, he wasn’t kidding.
Next up was a new and improved way to train people who have misgendering tendencies. One lib decided to use a clicker tool that’s commonly used for dogs to train her family against using female pronouns.
As a final reminder, we learned that apparently, biological sex is fake.
The more ya know!
That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!