I was going to take it easy yesterday. That rare kind of break in the middle of the week that allows you to have some fun, much the same as I did on Christmas Day. My cruel and backbreaking bossman had even relented both holidays, giving me permission to sluff off my headlines chores. Take the day off, as it were.
But the carols and videos I’d found for Christmas already had me planning what sort of whimsical, silly things I could fill those slots with for New Year’s. To hell with the news, I was thinking. Let’s just freaking chill out.
Every morning, the routine is the same – get up, fire up the puter, tell the cats to hold their cookies, and check my phone to see if Ebola has sent something overnight before starting the farm chores – taking care of the inside and outside menagerie.
He had. He sent the first AP report about the attack to cross the wire.