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Do Straight Women Get a Stake in Nondiscrimination Protections?

The Supreme Court on Friday issued an order granting review in what’s sure to be an incredibly high-profile case on sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the federal law prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of sex (among other characteristics).

The Supreme Court will hear the case of an Ohio woman, Marlean Ames, who claims she suffered sex discrimination in her employment because she is—drumroll please—a heterosexual woman. That makes her a member of what the Supreme Court has determined to be a “majority” class of individuals.

Ames filed a discrimination lawsuit against her employer, the Ohio Department of Youth Services, saying she was passed over for a promotion and later demoted in favor of two less-qualified LGBTQ candidates—a gay man and a lesbian woman, respectively. She alleges that she was discriminated against…

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