This is filed under: WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ CITZENS
You’ve got to love the way progressives brazenly play the game. It’s like their own sanctioned, political version of Taqiyya – they’ll lie shamelessly to your face or act with unabashed deceit as if in sympathy with their constituents’ concerns, all the while manipulating the outcome in exact reverse behind the curtain.
Take the staggeringly incompetent governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, for a prime example. She knows the current state of affairs in New York City with illegal migrant arrivals has residents there – and by extension, the rest of the state – demanding action to contain the situation and preferably remove them, like, yesterday. She also knows all the mealy-mouthed Sanctuary City pulings about diversity and strength have instead proven to be crushing financial burden, trash, and exploding crime…